Hai hai. Hahaha. Jarang aku keluar cita baru kt blog ni tapi actually aku dapat request from iwanumie suruh buat post pasal kos geofizik ni.
Hahaha mesti ramai yang baca post pasal Geofizik tertanya tanya apa dah jadi kat akk ni hahah, senang ke belajar geophy. sorry sebab akak tak update langsung pasal study kat usm. I think dah tiba waktu utuk explain everything (sebab dah nak final year dah hahaha) pasal geofizik yg korang nak tahu. Maybe lepas ni dah kurang junior-junior text akak utk tanya pasal geophy haha
1. Geophysics belajar apa kak?
Okay nak tahu apa? Subjek ke? Nak tahu detail gila-gila ke? Hahaha. Tak delah, sebab ada je budak budak emel akak nak tahu detail sampai mintak lecture notes and past year semua hahah. Hebat tul research korang ni. Haha. Tapi bagus laa, so that tak menyesal kan. 4 tahun kot kalau study benda yg kita sangka kita minat tapi sebenarnya tak minat. Okay berbalik kepada subjek, haa ni dia subjek utk geophysics.
Sem 1
1) Physics I Mechanics
2) Physics III Wave, Vibration, Optics
3) Calculus
4) Physics Practical I
5) Geology I
6) Teras Keusahawanan
7) any subjek uni/ko k
Sem 2
1) Physics II Electricity and Magnetism
2) Physics IV Modern Physics
3) Vector Analysis
4) Geology II
5) Geology Practical
6) SHE ( Hubungan Etnik)
7) any subjek uni/ko k
Sem 3
1)Complex Analysis and Differential Equations
2) Meteorology I
3) Solid Earth Geophysics I
4) Exploration Geophysics I
5) Geophysics Practical
7) any subjek uni/ko k
Sem 4
1)Geophysical Data Analysis
2) Solid Earth Geophysics II
3) Exploration Geophysics II
4) Geophysics Practical
5) any subjek uni/ko k
Sem 5
1)Introduction to Oceanography
2) Remote Sensing
3)Geophysics Project
4) any subjek uni/ko k
5) elektif/minor
6) FYP
Sem 6
2) Pilih nk ambik elektif/minor. Kena ckupkan unit
Sem 7
Pilih nk ambik elektif/minor. Kena ckupkan unit
Sem 8
minor/elektif/Industrial Training
2. Susah ke kak?
Hahaha bagi akak tak susah pun kalau nak dibandingkan dengan kos engineering ke apa. Sebab subjek subjek geophy ni membaca dan menghafaz je. Tak complex pecah kepala kira kira bagai. Just baca, paham then exam tulis essay. So nak skor dekan tu senang la. Tapi.. kalau tengok subjek first year, haaa yang tuu yang duk tarik pointer orang tu. Ramai yang graduate tak dapat first class honor tu sebab pointer first year. Sapa sapa yang masa first year dia dah dean, or 3.5 ke atas mcm tu kira dah ada peluang laa nak graduate geophysics with first class honor.
Tapi zaman korang senang kottt. Haha. Sebab since senior tahun dulu dulu sampai batch junior akak (kemasukan 2016/2017) memang nak skor susah. Tapi kemasukan batch junior yang baru baru ni, (sidang 2017/2018) nak cakap memang yang terpilih tu semua genius ke apa tk sure haahah. Tapi bagi dorang senang. Bayangkan final baru baru ni, hampir kebanyakan junior cakap calculus soo easy hahaha. I was like… Wow. Tak pernah lagi dalam sejarah orang hbs exam kata calculus easy, paling kuat pun dia kata “bole laa..” hahaha. Maybe sebab zaman junior yang sekarang format n silibus dah lain. Dulu paper calculus gabung dengan linear algebra. Sekarang linear algebra dah buang. So belajar calculus je and tak berat sangat dah.
Dari zaman ke zaman, dari zaman lecturer-lecturer geophysics ni jadi student lagi (lecturer geophysics kebanyakan grad from geophysics USM jugak) it’s not that easy to skor dean babehh (masa first year). Yang skor dean tu hanya yg lahir genius n rajin nak mmpos. Tapi tahun demi tahun, makin modern zaman tu, makin senang nk skor. Yang akak nampak beza junior batch 2017/2018 dengan zaman kitorang dulu (padahal jarak dua tahun je) is penglibatan dalam program utk kumpul point myCSD.
Okay apa itu MyCSD? Erm, tahu kan every university ada kolej kediaman which is hostel la senang cita. Tapi kat USM tak panggil kolej kediaman (KK) ye.. USM panggil Desasiswa (Desa). Untuk USM and rasanya mmg kebanyakan university mengamalkan sistem kutip point merit utk dapatkan hostel for next year. Tapi kat USM bukan sekadar kutip seronok-seronok ye, nanti grad, sijil point MyCSD ni berguna dan laku. Dia ada catat top 10 program yang kita join. Rasanya uni lain tak de pun keluarkan sijil ni. USM je ada, sebab Apex kot. Ceh pepandai jee sbb apex hahaha. Tapi laku laa sijil tu.
Ha pasal junior yg baru baru ni kan, bukan nak kata dorang tak terlibat langsung event university. Ada. Tapi program sekarang ni dah tak banyak. Compare dengan dulu, program sangat banyak. Dan maybe masa zaman kitorang sebab pengaruh senior jugak, dorang semua push junior join program sebab nanti tak dapat desa hahahah. Rumah sewa kat Penang semua mahal. Apartment pun sewa Rm1300 sebulan. Kalau dduk desa bayar for satu sem RM 500+ lebih je.
Masa zaman first year akak dulu. Uih tak boleh nak bawak bincang penat dia. Ye laa dah laa balik kelas ptg, pastu program senarombik, diskusi, cycling, campus tour la apa petang petang hahahaha. Yang bangang nya kami join. Padahal program kecik kecik semua tu tak wajib pun tapi masa zaman kitorang dia punya kejar point myCSD tu over gila hahahaha. Pengaruh senior punya psal lani. Hahaha. Satu program 2 point je dapat. Kalau jadi ajk program 4. Overall akak kumpul 160 point utk first year. Ramai yang 200 lebih. Satu sem ada 14 minggu. Dua semester ada 28 minggu. Jika akak join seminggu satu program, so 28minggu darab 2 point baru 56. Maksudnya apa tu hahaha. Berbelit belit pulak kira kira ni. Maksud nyaa dapat bayangkan tak dalam seminggu berapa program akk join sampai dapat 160. Pergh hampir everyday ada meeting, ada talk, ceramah. Memalam pulak tu. Penat pun pegi hahahaha. Pernah esok tu quiz tapi malam buang masa pegi meeting. Hahaha.
But junior zaman baru ni macam tak join dah program kecik kecik ni. So maybe itu salah satu faktor kenapa dorang lagi bijak. Sebab ada masa utk study hahaha. Kitorang dulu study tah ke mana, asyik busy aktiviti luar. Hahaha. Tapi akak syorkan korang kalau masuk USM, pegi laa join handle program. Penting nak keja nanti. Ada pengalaman kita lead a group.
3. Geophy ni bole keja apa?
Hm, ini soalan paling femes akak dapat. Haha. Macam macam bidang bole lari sebenarnya Cuma dapat keja atau tak tuu rezeki la. Geophy ni selalu orang kerja under oil n gas company la. Geotechnical pun bole. Ada gak tanya bole ke keja bidang meteorology? Haa ya bole je cuma kerajaan beb. Kau fikir snang nak msuk. Hahah.
Dulu akak memula konfiden je cakap geophy bole lari kerja bidang engineering. Then sampai satu hari tu akak baca pasal title Ir ni. Before nak mintak kerja as engineer ni, kena daftar under BEM dulu, sebab nanti company tak ambik sebab tk di iktiraf. Then akak pun buka laa web tengok cara daftar. Sekali ada syarat syarat dia yang mana kos geophy tak bole daftar under BEM. Means uk pikir, lahaii tak bole keja bidang engineering la ni sebab tak daftar BEM hahaha. Tapi lepas tanya supervisor akak, dia kata boleh je. Dulu pun dia pun keja company engineering before jadi lecturer. Cuma title Ir tu maybe kena ambik exam dia ke pa tak sure la. Jangan tanya senang dapat keja tak. Akak tak tahu. Sebab akk masih student hahaha.
4. Geophysics sama ke dengan Geology?
Allahu. Ini pun antara soalan femes jugak. Hm. Ikut application dia terbalik. Seorang geology akan pergi ke suatu site, drilling or atau buat kerja physical dan dapat nampak secara visible the model of the earth. Lepastu pulang ke office, bring the knowledge pasal subsurface of the earth and do some calculation untuk dapatkan data which computer could recognize. Calculation yg akak cakap tu we called it forward modelling yang mana bukan kira manually.
Geophysics ni terbalik. Kita pergi site, ambik data (bukan manually ye, computer yang kira) pulang ke office dengan data do some calculation (inverse modelling) dan dapatkan model of the earth.
Forward modelling - Dari model kepada data
Inverse modelling - Dari data kepada model
Means model of the earth adalah interpretation dan based analysis sahaja. Its ambiguous. Mesti korang pelik kan, pegi site bawak comp ke. Hahaha. Ye. Bawak computer. Tapi jangan la bayangkan bawak pc semua tu ya hahaha. Bawak instrument geophysics. Contoh ?
Kita connect wire wire semua bagai dari bumi (tanah) ke instrument ni. Then auto data calculate by itself. Balik office ccuk pendrive je utk transfer data. Yang akak terang ni hanya analogy sahaja utk bagi paham dan nampak. Japgi korang pergi tanya budak geology pulak pasal forward modelling ke apa entah dorg paham ke tidak. Ahhaha. Ini mcm theory dari akak sahaja.
Dari segi silibus? Hm, I think ada banyak different jugak. Sebab geophysics belajar banyak bidang dan geology memang pure geology sahaja. Dorg belajar detail pasal geologi selama 3 tahun setengah but geophysics belajar basic geology setahun sahaja. Kalau nak tahu detail geologi bole ambik subjek elektif advanced geology.
5. Pointer saya lepas ke?
At least 3.6 ke atas tu pun akak tak berani jamin la. Dia tk bole nak cakap jugak sebenarnya sebab ada je pointer 3.4 mcm tu dapat. Rezeki. Zaman sekarang kalau nk betul betul secure 3.7 okay laa. Dulu sekali intake 20 orang mcm tu, tapi batch junior 2017/2018 ni 27 orang. Ramai laa. Dah tak jadi kumpulan kecil. Dan mostly semua yg terpilih atas 3.5.
So itu je kot. Nak tanya apa apa boleh laa contact akak ye. Whatsapp je ok. Bye!
Some students asked me to give them advice "Should I go to Geophysics instead this course or this course.." Lol I dunno. Its you. Depends on you. I dont have any advice but you all can read 'review' about geophysics from my batch and juniors.
My batch
Ramai tanya, akak buat ap skrg. Dah kerja ke. Nope akk sambung master kat UTM. Klik utk baca.
Some students asked me to give them advice "Should I go to Geophysics instead this course or this course.." Lol I dunno. Its you. Depends on you. I dont have any advice but you all can read 'review' about geophysics from my batch and juniors.
My batch
Ramai tanya, akak buat ap skrg. Dah kerja ke. Nope akk sambung master kat UTM. Klik utk baca.
Assalamualaikum akak... Thanks sbb saya dah baca tentang geofizik yang akak tulis sblm ni.. Saya berminat sangat.. Tapi skrg saya dilema nak amik asasi ke diploma?? Mana lagi better ya?? Kalau lepasan diploma sng ke nak amik course geofizik ni ke lebih sng utk lpsn asasi?? Boleh akak beri apa pencerahan tak?? Saya betul2 keliru??
ReplyDeleteWasalam. Better ke asasi je dik. Sbb upu selalu bagi budak matrik asasi lepas dlu. Baru diploma.
DeleteHi Akak. I heard Geophysics course in Malaysia is not so demanding. Career prospect is also low. Meaning, it is really hard to get a job in the related field, is that true ? What about your seniors, did they manage to land in jobs right after graduating or in a brief period after graduating ?
ReplyDeleteHi. It really depends on how you preceive the job prospect for graduated student in geophysics. They are lot possibilities and jobs field that geophy student could jump into. If you just recognize "geophysics" as oil and gas, then the career prospect will be low. Is it hard to get job in related field? Yes and No. Depends on your CGPA and any skills you have. Find something that show you are different than others. What about my seniors? Haha I dont recognize any senior 2-3years above me. But i've heard most of them work in related fields. As i said just now. If you thought geophy = oil and gas. Then No. They are not working in related field.
DeleteHi again aka. So, can I know in what other fields a graduate in geophysics degree can work on ?I would really like to know what other jobs they can do in Malaysia.
DeleteAlso, one more question. For geophy students, is getting internship in Malaysia easier or harder compared to engineering student ?
DeleteMining. Groundwater. Any engineering environmental field such as construction, MRT project etc. Internship is easy i guess. Cause my senior one year above me right now are having internship. None of their batch not able get into internship. Compare to engineering student.. Hm. Im not quite sure. Sorry.
DeleteOne last question akak. If I want to apply for any courses in USM, do I need to buy a separate pin number and register in the USM website itself or just apply in UPU only ?
DeleteTry check in UPU website first. I think this year USM is included in UPU list. Just buy UPU pin
DeleteSlm, kak,pointer sem 1 saya 3.77,module 2..Math A, fizik A, chem A, s.comp B (spoil).Then saya isi upu mechanical eng first kat, syarat khas dia tak minta pon s.comp ni, so chance saya byk ke walaupun pointer 3.77, second choice statistics-UM. Statistics also tak minta syarat khas s.comp
ReplyDeleteHai dik mohon je.tapi make sure average pointer tinggi nahh
DeleteOrite kak, Nice laju reply, saya comment 3 blog akak hahhaha
DeleteHahahah ya tahu. Ingt ke ada orang tgh memain ke. So saja je layan. Haha
DeleteAssalamualaikum akak. Saya lepasan matrik. Saya nak tanya pendapat akak, antara kos pure phy or geophy yang mana lagi better eh? and yang mana ada banyak peluang pekerjaan?
ReplyDeletewslm. maaf yaa tak baca komen. geophy banyak peluang sebab specific. pure agak besar nama kos tu tapi kalau ada rezeki apa apa kos pun bole dapat kerja. jangan risau
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewslm. sorry yaa akk baru baca komen. tak sama rasanyaa. haa psal kerja akk taktahu laa. hahaha pointer tu sama dah cam akak. congrats kalau dapat.
DeleteAssalamualaikum akak,ada email tak? Hihi ada nak tanya banyak benda. Geophysics and Mineral Resources Engineering tak sama ke?
ReplyDeletewslm. maaf yaa baru baca.
DeleteAssalam kak,selain usm ,uni mana lagi yg ada geofizik ni?
ReplyDeletewasalam. tak de. tapi um. ukm, ums ada geologi. umk ada geoscience. utp ada petroleum geoscience. pure geophysics kt usm je
DeleteApa beza geophysics, geoscience n petroleum geoscience?
Deletegeophysics sebenarnya general je kepada semua industry. cth industry mining. so kita kat geophysics ada belajar method gravity dan jugak magnetic which is related dgn mining. cth industry oil n gas. geophysics ada belajar pasal seismic method. geophysics juga ada belajar remote sensing dan bole relate dgn any industry yg pakai satellite (tapi bukan communication or media ye) means macam nak detect typhoon ke, population. actually remote sensing sangat besar dan luas research yg boleh dibuat.
Deletegeoscience dekag umk akak tk sure. tapi petroleum geoscience bljar 80% geology 20% geophysics dan apply kan utk industry oil n gas exploration. memang totally industry oil and gas laa for petroleum geoscience
Oooo tq kak
DeleteDalam batch akak,berapa ramai yg amik geophysics ni?
ReplyDeletebatch akk 23. batch junior 27 orang
DeleteAssalam kak,amik matriks ke asasi lagi better?Kalau asasi,asasi apa n uni mana ok utk geophy ni?
ReplyDeletewasalam. akk dulu from matriks. bagi akk matriks sangat best. tak sure for asasi. sama je rasanya. cuma suasana dia lain. sebab belajar dalam uni kan. ada junior akk from pasum. dia dah belajar calculus masa asasi. so masa degree, subjek calculus sangat senang bgi dia. compare to matrik, kita belajar math je dan basic kepada calculus. so bagi akak better asasi kot. asasi apa tak kisah. budak geophy mostly datang dari asasi pasum n dengkil.
DeleteI just found out about geophy and quite interested in it.but i have doubts in having geophy as a career.
ReplyDelete-Do geophysicists highly appreciated and needed in malaysia?
- I understand that geophy consist of alot of field and wide range of jobs such as oilngas,meteorology, mining,seismologist etc but does different jobs have different range of salary? I know oil companies gave out high wages but does other type of geophy are the same or slightly different?
Plus do geophy only work just when they have project?
DeleteSorry for those many questions.
1. geophysicist is highly appreciated in oil n gas industry. but when it comes to construction and development industry, geophysicist name is not good as you might think. here is because,in oil n gas industry, before you drill the subsurface of the earth (to extract the oil n gas) you need to interpret first where is the sources. and the person who have this knowledge are geophysicist and geologist.
Deletein a construction industry, other work professionals keep proving geophysicist is wrong in their interpretation. we know that geophysicist is a 'bomoh scientist' haha. their job is to interpret something that cannot be seen. but we got civil engineer, geotechnical engineer, geologist etc that do a physical work and these are the people that will prove you wrong. let say, you interpret there is a pipe at the depth of 10m from the subsurface, but then when drilling work is done, the actual depth for the pipe is at 8m. so then what you gonna say to them? unless you are the knowledgable geophysicist who knows how to communicate in an engineer language, geotech language, driller language then you gonna be appreciated and needed in their industry. what i mean by language is that, engineer and geophysicist understand measurements or parameters in different way.
2. yep. different job have different salary ranges. geophysicist job is to interpret something in the future or something that cannot be seen. any industry that need this expertise will need a geophysicist. of course their job is different but their purpose is the same.
3. yes. only when there is a project.
Ooh i see its quite a risky career path. Well,i think it will be okay if we passionate about it. Thanks for the reply I will wait for your next blog as a geophysicist ^-^
Deleteyep. youre welcome. hahahah, i couldnt promise you if one day i'll become a geophysicist. because im considering going to educational compare to industry field.
DeleteKalau diploma civil engineering boleh mohon geofizik tak?
ReplyDeletebolehh. atas 3.0 at least. tpi better pointer 3.5 keatas chances dpt tu ada lah
DeleteSalam kak. Apa syarat am untuk ambil course geofizik?
DeleteKalau stpm takde fizik tapi ambil geo boleh ambik ke course tu?
ReplyDeletegeo apatuu
DeleteTapi saya dari science side. Ada
DeleteHi akak.the physics syllabus mainly consists of theory or calculations ?which sem yg akak rsa is the worst ?
ReplyDeleteSory tak perasan komen. yep theory plus calculation. which sem?.emmmm. tak de kot. but first year agak challenging sebab tak biasa lagi dengan uni punya environment. taktahu macam mana grades are given. so i think sem 1 n sem 2
Deletehi kak.. pointer saya 3.21 saja dan saya mostly apply biology courses.. agak2 akak saya ada chances x nak dapat kos tu?
ReplyDeleteu yg saya apply mostly bukan RU
DeleteinsyaAllah bole kottt
Deletehi akak,kalo stamina dan math saya x baik(Tapi kat matric dpt A) bole ke saya study course ni?
ReplyDeletebole saja. sbb tak de ujian fizikal pun. yep rasanya syarat khas mmg matrik at least B utk math kot. cuba baca balik syarat khas dia. kalau lepas for result matrik, spm x yah risau.xtgk pun
Deleteassalam kak....sya f4 n ambik pure sc...sya mcm berminat dgn meteorology..nak tny..if nk jdi meteorologist ni kena ambik apa in asasi n also degree??? i really need an advice about this..sbb haritu ada cgu bising sbb msih blum ada hala tuju🤣🤣 n i interested to search about meteorology more...hope akk boleh reply
ReplyDeletewasalam. If nak smbung geophysics, bole ke form 6, matrik, diploma, atas asasi. Semua ni harus di aliran sains. Hmm tak pasti plak nk jadi meteorologist perlu ambik kos apa selain geophysics. Macam geoscience pun akk x pasti silibus dorg.
Deleteohh .tpi kalau ambil geofizik pun boleh go ke meteorology ke acane?
Deletesatu lagi kak, akk dulu ambil asasi ke? kalau ambil asasi ambik foundation in wht?
Deleteyap bole apply meteorologist if from geophysics. akk dlu matrik. matrik aliran sains.
Deleteassalam again kak🤣sorry byk tanya...but akk ada kenal dgn sapa sapa yg kerja ahli kaji cuaca tak??🤣🤣sbb srsly curious career tu...i want to know more about it..hehe
Deletewasalam. ala xde dik. mgkn senior² atas ada kot keja bidang tu tpi akk xkenal. bole cri dorg kt LinkedIn.
Deletehi kak sy stpm sem3 blm habis lagi
ReplyDeletesy agak minat geofizik but sy x de basic geo so kak rase susah tk kalau x de basic geo even ade amek phy dlm stpkm
basic geo means basic geografi
Deleteeh tk laa. xambek geography pun xpe. xde kena mengena. yg penting mesti from sains and ada ambik physics
DeleteBaik terima kasih banyak2 dally Tolong komenkan ☺️👍
DeleteBoleh tak akak share sikit on how would the final project be like?? it different for every the final project based on the elective that the students chose??
ReplyDeletemasa zaman akak, tajuk tu dah ditetapkan. sv pun kot. adoi tak ingat pulak 😅 tapi bukan based on electives kita ambik. and yes dia different dari students lain. taoi fy ber partner.